

信息來(lái)源:發(fā)布時(shí)間:2020/2/28 19:18:18
Notice on the Prevention and Control of COVID-19 

for International Travellers Entering Shenyang (No.9)

In view of the fast spread of COVID-19 in some countries, in order to strictly prevent import and spread of the epidemic, ensure safety and health of both Shenyang citizens and international travellers, meanwhile to provide convenience for those returning to Shenyang for work, living and tourism, the notice is hereby formulated in accordance with No.7 Decree of Liaoning COVID-19 Prevention and Control Headquarters and 30 Measures on Strict Inspection and Control of COVID-19 in Urban and Rural Areas in Liaoning Province ([2020]No.18)

1. Before entering the customs, international travellers shall accurately fill in the Health Declaration Card, Disembarkation Form and Immigration Form, and measure body temperature in an orderly manner under the guidance of on-site staff.
2. International travellers who have abnormal symptoms including fever and respiratory symptoms will be guided by designated persons to quarantine room for observation. They will be transferred to designated hospital (Beiling Campus of Shenyang 4th People’s Hospital) by 120 transfer vehicles of Shenyang Municipal Emergency Center for diagnosis and treatment if symptoms including fever (≥37.3℃) and cough are further confirmed. Personal luggage will be claimed and taken with the traveler by working staff of the airport.
3. International travellers with no abnormal symptoms will be guided by designated persons to a designated area for extraction for nucleic acid test, after which they will be sent to their destinations free of charge by designated vehicles pre-arranged by relevant districts, county (county-level city) governments.
4. After extraction for nucleic acid test, international travellers are subject to 14 days of quarantine.
5. Ways of quarantine observation varies in accordance with different situations, including residential quarantine observation, workplace quarantine observation and hotel quarantine observation. For those who need centralized quarantine observation, designated hotels will be provided by respective districts, county (county-level city) governments with free accommodation. During quarantine period, the districts, counties (county-level city) governments shall instruct the residential communities, companies and hotels to perform their respective management responsibilities. If fever (> 37.3℃) and other abnormal symptoms occur, one should immediately contact Shenyang Municipal Emergency Center for transfer to the designated hospital (Beiling Campus of Shenyang 4th People’s Hospital) by 120 transfer vehicle. Once diagnosed, patients will be sent to Shenyang 6th People’s Hospital for further treatment. 
6. If international travellers arrive in Shenyang with the purpose of transferring to other cities in Liaoning Province, Shenyang COVID-19 Prevention and Control Headquarters shall contact the destination cities to organize the transfer.
7. Quarantine observation is applicable for all international travellers who have arrived in Shenyang since February 18, 2020. The quarantine period is calculated from the date of entry and should be no less than 14 days. Nucleic acid test is performed on a voluntary basis.
8. The relevant municipal departments, districts and county (county-level city) governments responsible for the entry service, insurance and management of the international travellers shall hold the overall concept and provide good service with sound coordination and cooperation to achieve seamless connection.
9. Working staff providing service shall be friendly, patient, meticulous, warmhearted and thoughtful during the process in order to help the international travellers to solve the difficulties and problems in time.
10. A 24-hour hotline is set up for consultation by Shenyang CDC: 024-86847777.
Shenyang COVID-19 
Prevention and Control Headquarters
February 26, 2020

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