

信息來(lái)源:本站發(fā)布時(shí)間:2020/4/12 8:38:15

reusable face masks


Last month, companies in Guangdong province, Beijing and Shanghai reported producing a new type of face mask that uses a nanomaterial membrane, rather than the typical melt-blown fabric, to filter bacteria, viruses and other pathogens, according to local health and medical products authorities.
The new masks are on par with N95 standards, meaning they filter particles of all sizes with at least 95 percent efficiency.

The masks are also comfortable, easy to breathe through and can be reused up to 20 times depending on the user's setting and wear time, the authorities said.

16個(gè)新職業(yè) 16 new professions

The 16 new professions include intelligent manufacturing technicians, industrial internet technicians, virtual reality technicians, supply chain managers, artificial intelligence trainers, all-media operators, respiratory therapists, among others, according to the statement jointly issued by the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security and other departments.
在線(xiàn)教育 online education
新冠肺炎疫情發(fā)生以來(lái),教育部多次發(fā)文,推遲春季學(xué)期開(kāi)學(xué)時(shí)間,同時(shí)要求各地學(xué)校“停課不停學(xué)”,積極開(kāi)展網(wǎng)絡(luò )教學(xué)。
Many provinces are introducing concrete measures to help poverty-stricken students attend online courses while making great efforts to fight the epidemic.
In Guangdong province, the Guangdong Provincial Education Foundation has purchased more than 9,000 tablet computers for junior and senior high school students to attend online courses.
在廣東省,廣東省教育基金會(huì )為初高中學(xué)生購買(mǎi)了9000多臺平板電腦,方便他們上網(wǎng)課。

用眼疲勞 eye fatigue
A break of 10 minutes is necessary to relax the eyes after working continuously for 30 minutes to an hour, said Wei Wenbin, head of the ophthalmology department with Beijing Tongren Hospital, noting that remote working requires looking at screens for a long time, which could lead to eyestrain.
網(wǎng)上就業(yè) online employment
日前,教育部印發(fā)《關(guān)于應對新冠肺炎疫情做好2020屆全國普通高等學(xué)校畢業(yè)生就業(yè)創(chuàng )業(yè)工作的通知》,就進(jìn)一步指導推動(dòng)各地各高校積極應對新冠肺炎疫情,開(kāi)展網(wǎng)上就業(yè)服務(wù)、拓寬就業(yè)和升學(xué)渠道、強化就業(yè)困難幫扶等工作,作出部署安排。

China expects to see a total of 8.74 million college graduates this year, data from the Ministry of Education (MOE) showed.
方艙休艙 makeshift hospitals closed
Makeshift hospitals built to treat novel coronavirus infected patients with mild symptoms in Wuhan, Hubei province, the epicenter of the outbreak, are expected to wrap up operation around March 10, China Central Television reported on Sunday.
意大利封國 Italy under lockdown
截至當地時(shí)間3月9日18時(shí)左右,意大利民防部門(mén)負責人、新冠病毒應急委員會(huì )專(zhuān)員安杰洛·博雷利在例行疫情新聞發(fā)布會(huì )上表示,該國現存新冠肺炎病例7985例,累計治愈724人;新增死亡病例97例,累計死亡463人。
當地時(shí)間3月9日夜間,意大利總理孔特宣布,因新冠疫情嚴峻,人員流動(dòng)緊急管控措施將擴大至意大利全境(extend the emergency quarantine measures across the entire country)?!癟he figures show we are experiencing a serious increase in infections, an increase in people hospitalised in intensive care – and an increase, unfortunately, in deaths. We need to change our lifestyle. We need to change it now. That’s why I have decided to adopt these hard measures,” said Conte.
中低風(fēng)險地區 medium- and low-risk areas
Via a mobile app, each resident of Hubei province will be granted a colored health QR code. A red code indicates the holder is a confirmed or suspected COVID-19 case, a yellow one indicates a close contact, while a green one means the holder has no contact with any cases.
綠化 afforestation
全國綠化委員會(huì )辦公室3月11日發(fā)布《2019年中國國土綠化狀況公報》。
China has made new strides in advancing afforestation in 2019 with the area of newly created forests totaling 7.067 million hectares, the report said.
輸入病例 imported COVID-19 cases
3月12日舉行的國務(wù)院聯(lián)防聯(lián)控機制新聞發(fā)布會(huì )上,國家衛健委新聞發(fā)言人米鋒指出,總體上,我國本輪疫情流行高峰已經(jīng)過(guò)去(pass the climax of the novel coronavirus outbreak),新增發(fā)病人數在持續下降,疫情總體保持在較低水平。
就餐指引 dining guidance
Diners will not be allowed to sit face-to-face in restaurants and canteens in Beijing during the coronavirus outbreak, according to the latest government notice.
妨害國境衛生檢疫罪 the crime of disturbing frontier health and quarantine
3月16日,最高法、最高檢、公安部、司法部、海關(guān)總署五部門(mén)聯(lián)合發(fā)布《關(guān)于進(jìn)一步加強國境衛生檢疫工作 依法懲治妨害國境衛生檢疫違法犯罪的意見(jiàn)》。
According to the guideline, people refusing the health checks or falsifying health statement cards while entering China will be identified as committing the crime of disturbing frontier health and quarantine.
疫苗研發(fā) vaccine research and development
3月17日,國務(wù)院聯(lián)防聯(lián)控機制就藥物疫苗和檢測試劑研發(fā)攻關(guān)最新情況舉行發(fā)布會(huì )。會(huì )上,中國工程院院士王軍志表示,我國新冠疫苗研發(fā)進(jìn)展目前總體上處于國際先進(jìn)行列,不會(huì )慢于國外。
Chinese scientists have been racing to develop COVID-19 vaccines by five approaches, namely inactivated vaccines, genetic engineering subunit vaccines, adenovirus vector vaccines, nucleic acid vaccines, and vaccines using attenuated influenza virus as vectors, said Wang Junzhi, an academician with the Chinese Academy of Engineering.
戴口罩指南 guidance on mask wearing
Medical masks and surgical masks are sufficient for normal use, and wearing multiple masks does not provide more protection, according to the guideline.
指引對普通公眾(general public)、特定場(chǎng)所人員(people at specific areas)、重點(diǎn)人員(key population groups)以及職業(yè)暴露人員(people with occupational exposure)進(jìn)行分類(lèi),并對不同場(chǎng)景下戴口罩提出科學(xué)建議。 
心理疏導 psychological counseling
The work plan called for sustained psychological counseling services especially for COVID-19 patients, their families, families of fallen patients, vulnerable groups, health workers and those fighting the virus in the front line including police officers and community workers.
第一入境點(diǎn) first point of entry
Starting Monday, the Chinese capital will redirect all the inbound flights scheduled to land at Beijing Capital International Airport to 12 designated airports.
解除離鄂通道管控 lift outbound transportation restrictions in Hubei
People in Wuhan will be allowed to leave the city and Hubei province from April 8 if they hold a green health code, meaning no contact with any infected or suspected COVID-19 cases, according to the circular.
暫停外籍人士入境 entry of foreign nationals suspended

The suspension -- starting on Saturday Mar 28 -- is a temporary measure that China is compelled to take in light of the outbreak situation and the practices of other countries, the announcement said.
二十國集團領(lǐng)導人應對新冠肺炎特別峰會(huì ) G20 Extraordinary Leaders' Summit on COVID-19
3月26日晚,國家主席習近平出席二十國集團領(lǐng)導人應對新冠肺炎特別峰會(huì )并發(fā)表重要講話(huà)。面對突如其來(lái)的新冠肺炎疫情,中國政府、中國人民不畏艱險,始終把人民生命安全和身體健康擺在第一位,按照堅定信心、同舟共濟、科學(xué)防治、精準施策的總要求,堅持全民動(dòng)員、聯(lián)防聯(lián)控、公開(kāi)透明,打響了一場(chǎng)抗擊疫情的人民戰爭。
Facing the COVID-19 outbreak that caught us all by surprise, the Chinese government and Chinese people have been undaunted as we took on this formidable task. From day one of our fight against the outbreak, we have put people's life and health first. We have acted according to the overall principle of shoring up confidence, strengthening unity, ensuring sciencebased control and treatment and imposing targeted measures. We have mobilized the whole nation, set up collective control and treatment mechanisms and acted with openness and transparency. What we fought was a people's war against the outbreak.
無(wú)癥狀感染者 asymptomatic patients
Asymptomatic COVID-19 patients refer to those who do not show any symptoms, including fever and cough, but their tests for the novel coronavirus are positive.

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