

信息來(lái)源:發(fā)布時(shí)間:2017/10/20 16:18:32
十月的中國,天朗氣清;金秋的北京,洋溢喜悅。在黨的十九大即將勝利召開(kāi)之際,我們在這里舉行人民日報英文客戶(hù)端上線(xiàn)儀式。首先,我代表人民日報社,對各位嘉賓、各位朋友蒞臨報社,共同見(jiàn)證這一美好時(shí)刻,表示熱烈的歡迎和衷心的感謝! This season, the sky is clear and bright, and the city is full of joy. A few days ahead of the opening of the 19th CPC National Congress, we gather here to launch the Peoples Daily English App. First, on behalf of Peoples Daily, Id like to extend a warm welcome and sincere gratitude to all the distinguished guests and friends here to witness this great moment.
建設人民日報英文客戶(hù)端,是人民日報加強外宣工作的戰略舉措,是報社事業(yè)發(fā)展的客觀(guān)需要。我們正處在一個(gè)大發(fā)展大變革大調整的時(shí)代,世界各國空前深刻地互相影響,人類(lèi)命運更加緊密地聯(lián)系在一起。特別是近年來(lái),世界格局和全球治理體系加速調整變革,和平發(fā)展合作共贏(yíng)的時(shí)代潮流澎湃向前。 The launch of the English app is a strategic step of Peoples Daily to expand our global presence. It also responds to our needs. The world we live in today is undergoing major developments, major changes and major adjustments. Countries around the world are influencing each other in an unprecedented way. The destiny of mankind has become intertwined more closely than ever before. Especially in recent years, the worlds pattern and global governance system is adjusting and transforming at a faster pace, and the trend toward peace, development, and win-win cooperation has gained momentum.
伴隨著(zhù)時(shí)代前進(jìn)的步伐,當代中國呈現生機勃勃的發(fā)展局面,展現不可阻擋的發(fā)展勢頭,正前所未有地走近世界舞臺中心。中國的發(fā)展是世界發(fā)展的巨大機遇,也離不開(kāi)世界各國的共同發(fā)展;發(fā)展起來(lái)的中國需要更好向世界展示自己,劇變中的世界渴望更好了解中國。介紹中國經(jīng)驗、闡述中國主張、提出中國方案、貢獻中國智慧,已成國際社會(huì )期盼,實(shí)為中國發(fā)展必然。在這一進(jìn)程中,媒體肩負著(zhù)重要責任。 The world is witnessing the vitality and momentum of Chinas development. China has never been so close to the center of the world stage. Chinas development remains a huge opportunity for the world, and cannot be separated from the common aspiration of all countries to develop. A stronger China needs to present itself to the world. The changing world is eager to know more about China. The international community expects China to share its experience, expound on its propositions, propose solutions and contribute its wisdom, which is also an inevitable phase of its development. The media should shoulder important responsibilities in this process.
明者因時(shí)而變,知者隨事而制。習近平總書(shū)記指示我們要"加強國際傳播能力建設""講好中國故事,傳播好中國聲音""聯(lián)接中外,溝通世界"。近年來(lái),人民日報認真貫徹落實(shí)習近平總書(shū)記重要指示精神和黨中央決策部署,堅持統籌內宣外宣一體發(fā)展、傳統媒體新興媒體融合發(fā)展,努力用海外讀者樂(lè )于接受的方式、易于理解的語(yǔ)言,講好中國故事、傳播好中國聲音,在對外宣傳和國際傳播方面取得了顯著(zhù)成績(jì)。 As a Chinese saying goes, a wise man changes as time and events do. President Xi Jinping has urged the media to tell the China story well, spread Chinas voice well, and connect China and the world. President Xi made it clear that China should enhance its international communication capacity and have a bigger say in international affairs. In recent years, the Peoples Daily developed a coordinated strategy, catering to the needs of both Chinese and international readers and users. We proposed our media convergence initiatives and implemented them. We try to tell the stories in ways acceptable and understood by the international audience. In all, we try to achieve what President Xi urged, telling the China story well and spreading Chinas voice well through the development of international communication. By following President Xis instructions and the CPC Central Committees decisions, the Peoples Daily has made remarkable progress in expanding its global influence and presence.
但我們也清醒地認識到,同中國加速融入世界的進(jìn)程相比,同世界迫切希望了解中國的需要相比,我們做得還不夠,中國在世界上的形象很大程度上仍是"他塑"而非"自塑",在國際上還存在著(zhù)信息流進(jìn)流出的"逆差"。建設人民日報英文客戶(hù)端,就是我們適應新的形勢和任務(wù),進(jìn)一步做好對外宣傳和國際傳播的戰略選擇。 We are fully aware that Chinas international image is largely created by big international media organizations rather than our media colleagues in China, and a deficit in the reciprocal information flow exists. There is still much we can do to keep pace with Chinas rapid global integration and satisfy the increasing demand for everything China-related. To develop an English app is a strategic move to adapt to new situations and further enhance our global influence and presence.
建設人民日報英文客戶(hù)端,我們具有充分信心,也具備良好條件。這個(gè)條件就是:人民日報融合發(fā)展不斷推進(jìn)、走在前列,我們的中央廚房設施一流、機制先進(jìn);人民日報客戶(hù)端已經(jīng)開(kāi)辦3年,累計下載量超過(guò)2億,保持了良好運行,積累了豐富經(jīng)驗。 We have confidence and favorable conditions to develop this English app, as the Peoples Daily is at the forefront of media convergence among Chinese media organizations. We have established the Media Hub, a news producing platform, which features first-class facilities and an advanced mechanism. Our Chinese app, launched three years ago, has seen more than 200 million downloads, and we have gained valuable experience from it.
我們的思路和目標是:堅持高起點(diǎn)高標準,堅持揚優(yōu)勢聚合力,著(zhù)力把人民日報英文客戶(hù)端打造成為導向正確、內容優(yōu)質(zhì)、技術(shù)先進(jìn)、功能強大、有利于吸引和凝聚英文用戶(hù)的移動(dòng)互聯(lián)網(wǎng)外宣平臺。為此,我們將在以下方面作出努力: We will maintain high standards, capitalize on our advantages, and harness resources, all to make this English app a platform which attracts English-language users through quality content, advanced technology and powerful functions. To achieve this goal, we will attempt to do the following aspects:
一是發(fā)揮黨媒優(yōu)勢,提供權威優(yōu)質(zhì)內容。人民日報是中共中央機關(guān)報,權威性和公信力是其顯著(zhù)特征和突出優(yōu)勢,這在信息爆炸、眾聲喧嘩的當下是稀缺資源。 First, we will capitalize on the advantages as the official media of the CPC and offer authoritative and quality content. The Peoples Daily is the official newspaper of the CPC Central Committee. Its authority and credibility is needed by a growing public demand in the information-driven world.
我們將堅持黨媒定位,圍繞解讀中國黨和政府的方針政策和反映中國社會(huì )的發(fā)展變化,及時(shí)準確發(fā)布權威信息,努力向世界呈現一個(gè)更加真實(shí)客觀(guān)的中國。 We will provide timely and authoritative information, interpreting the policies of the Party and government, as well as provide a window into a dynamic Chinese society, in a bid to more accurately and objectively present China to the world.
二是發(fā)揮體系優(yōu)勢,提供多樣資訊產(chǎn)品。人民日報早已由一張報紙發(fā)展成為一個(gè)大型媒體集團,擁有多家社屬報刊和新聞網(wǎng)站,以及大量微信微博公號。 Second, we will capitalize on the advantages of our news group to offer diversified news platforms. The Peoples Daily has blossomed from a print-only newspaper to a major news group with several affiliated publications, news sites and Weibo and WeChat accounts.
我們將堅持協(xié)同聯(lián)動(dòng),聚合"人民系"的強大內容采集力量,全面報道中國的政治經(jīng)濟文化社會(huì ),深入介紹中國的現實(shí)狀況和歷史演變,不斷豐富資訊產(chǎn)品的種類(lèi)和形態(tài),努力讓世界感受一個(gè)更加立體生動(dòng)的中國。 We will integrate the resources of different outlets inside our group and develop a well-coordinated and inter-connected approach. We will comprehensively cover China’s politics, economy, culture and society, and introduce the nations conditions as well as its past. We will increase the diversity and choice of our news platforms, and do our best to present a vibrant and multidimensional China to the world.
三是發(fā)揮技術(shù)優(yōu)勢,提供優(yōu)良用戶(hù)體驗。人民日報不僅擁有優(yōu)秀的新聞隊伍,而且擁有先進(jìn)的媒體技術(shù),許多前來(lái)我們今天所在的這座新媒體大廈參觀(guān)的國內外朋友都表示贊嘆。我們將堅持技術(shù)引領(lǐng),持續加大投入,積極擁抱先進(jìn)技術(shù),并把它們與人才優(yōu)勢有機結合起來(lái),全力支持英文客戶(hù)端做大做強,努力為廣大用戶(hù)提供快捷便利、舒適放心的閱讀體驗。 Third, we will capitalize on our advantages in technology to provide excellent user experience. The Peoples Daily not only boasts of an excellent team of journalists, but also cutting-edge media technologies. This New Media Building has impressed visitors. The Peoples Daily will continue to invest in the latest technologies and maintain a strong team to support and create a powerful and trustworthy English app and provide a convenient, comfortable and relaxing experience for our users.
四是發(fā)揮"磁力"優(yōu)勢,提供寬廣合作平臺。人民日報在全球具有很高知名度和較強影響力,朋友遍及天下——今年9月19日在甘肅敦煌舉辦的第四屆"一帶一路"媒體合作論壇,就有來(lái)自126個(gè)國家和國際組織的265家媒體負責人參加。我們將堅持互利共贏(yíng),開(kāi)闊眼界胸襟,積極吸引各種資源,不斷擴大英文客戶(hù)端實(shí)際功能,努力給廣大用戶(hù)提供加強溝通、開(kāi)展合作的開(kāi)放平臺。 Last but not least, we will capitalize on our advantages in social connections to establish a platform of cooperation. The Peoples Daily, as the most important media outlet in China, is also an institution that attracts worldwide attention. Our global partners and friends are from all over the world. Representatives of 265 media organizations from 126 countries and international organizations participated in our 2017 Media Cooperation Forum on the Belt and Road on September 19 in Dunhuang, Chinas Gansu Province this year. With an open mind and broad horizon, we will utilize more resources from all our partners based on win-win cooperation. We will optimize the functions of the English app to build an open exchange platform for our users.
再過(guò)3天,舉世矚目的中共十九大就要在北京召開(kāi)。人民日報英文客戶(hù)端的上線(xiàn)可謂恰逢其時(shí),它的發(fā)展必定前景可期。我們將以此為契機,迅速投入十九大的宣傳報道,向世界傳遞中國共產(chǎn)黨的最新聲音、中國未來(lái)發(fā)展的最新藍圖;我們將以它為載體,更好報道中國社會(huì )的最新變化和中國人民的最新面貌,讓世界聽(tīng)到并聽(tīng)清更多更好的中國故事和中國聲音!從今天開(kāi)始,讓我們打開(kāi)人民日報英文客戶(hù)端,把這端和那端聯(lián)接起來(lái),大聲喊出"中國在這里!",大聲喊出"你好,世界!" The 19th CPC National Congress will open in Beijing three days from now to worldwide attention. This is a timely opportunity to launch our English app. This app has bright prospects. We will take this opportunity to provide timely coverage on the Congress, the latest insights of the CPC to the world and the new blueprint of Chinas development. We will maximize this platform to make a record of the latest changes and trends in Chinese society, offering to the world a clearer voice of China. Let us welcome the Peoples Dailys English app and connect China and the world. Lets say "hello" to the world!

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